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Organic Olive Oil

Organic Olive Oil

What defines a good organic olive oil? For us, it goes beyond just controlled organic cultivation. Various factors are decisive. The oil should taste fresh and lively, with grassy nuances and a slight tickle in the throat. Olive oil is similar to wine. The fruit, the growing region, the expertise of the producer and the climatic conditions have a significant influence on the quality and therefore the taste of the product.
In our range you will find organic olive oil from carefully selected farms and producers. They work according to strict organic principles and produce olive oil with passion and dedication. Discover a small but exquisite selection of premium olive oils in our store, which are produced according to the highest organic standards. So you can be sure to enjoy a high-quality product.
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Buying organic olive oil

Whether extra virgin or virgin quality (explanation here), whether organic, Demeter or conventional - the choice of olive oil is incredibly large and the purchase can therefore be somewhat confusing. So let's clarify a few basic questions here:
Is olive oil always organic?
No, olive oil is not always automatically "organic" or biological. Organic or ecological olive oil is made from olives that are grown according to strict and controlled ecological cultivation methods without the use of chemical pesticides or synthetic fertilisers. This approach aims to obtain a natural and "pure" product on the one hand, and to promote the sustainability of agriculture (such as biodiversity) on the other.

How to recognise organic olive oil?

When buying organic olive oil, the certification is important first, which is recognised by a seal + organic control number (more on organic certificates below). Organic olive oil is only certified if it has been produced from organically grown olives in accordance with the requirements of the European Regulation on organic production and labelling of organic products (EU standard 2018/848) and, in the case of organic association seals (Demeter, Naturland), if it is produced in accordance with the guidelines of the respective association. Regardless of the certification, attention should also be paid to the quality class. In other words, whether the olive oil is virgin or extra virgin. You can find more information on this in our olive oil guide.

Which organic olive oil is the best?

We are asked this question relatively often and unfortunately there is no simple answer. BUT we can give you a few tips to help you separate the "inferior" oils from the higher quality ones. First of all - price is not necessarily the deciding factor, but if the olive oil is too cheap, there must be a catch somewhere.
  • Advice #1 Avoid blended oils: You will often find olive oils (including organic quality) in supermarkets and discount stores that are a blend of different olive oils from different countries. In our opinion, the problem here is that, on the one hand, the exact origin is unclear and, at the same time, there can be fluctuations in quality from batch to batch and consumer tests are only of limited validity as not every batch is tested. However, such organic oils are easy to recognise when buying. This is because these "blended oils" with oil from several countries must bear designations such as "produced from olive oils from countries of the European Union" on the label.
  • Advice #2 Focus on olive oils with a designation of origin: increased transparency regarding the origin of olive oil - i.e. where the olives that are processed into oil come from - is provided by certain designations. In our range you will find several olive oils with a protected designation of origin. For example, our olive oil from Crete: MANI extra virgin olive oil, Messara PDO Crete, organic, 0.5 litre bottle or our organic olive oil from Kalamata.
  • Advice #3 Buy olive oil from your trusted shop: Only smaller and/or specialised retailers usually know the exact origin, cultivation practices etc. of their products. If you want to be sure when buying olive oil that the product is flawless and you want transparency, then buy from us. :D

If you want more information on various criteria, we have covered this topic and the purchasing criteria for good olive oil in detail in our olive oil guide click here
Organic olive oil certificates - an overview

The EU organic seal

Since July 2010, the EU organic logo has been mandatory labelling on all packaged organic food produced within the EU. It consists of a stylised leaf on a green background. The EU organic logo was introduced to provide consumers with immediate clarity as to whether a food product has been produced according to organic standards. The designation "organic olive oil" and the EU seal may only be used if the production process is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the European Regulation on organic production and labelling of organic products (EU standard 2018/848).

The Naturland + Naturland Fair seal

The Naturland standards and the associated certificate are older than the EU's first legal regulations on organic farming. At the same time, these standards are considered stricter. In the case of olive oil and the cultivation of olive groves, this means that no chemical fertilisers or pesticides are used. This also includes the approach to certain pests such as the olive fruit fly, where only organic approaches are permitted. Although this approach is costly, it contributes to the conservation of soil, water and biodiversity.

Naturland Fair certification combines organic farming, social responsibility and fair trade in one label. In the context of NL + NL Fair certification for olive oil, the producer Mani Bläuel is worth mentioning.

An important aspect of the implemented fairness is the appropriate remuneration of the farmers. In addition to fair producer prices, Mani Bläuel is committed to partnership-based trade relations and social engagement in the local community. This is reflected in its support for various social projects, including the civil society organisation GAIA, which provides the volunteer fire brigade, and the educational project Lyso Garten, which trains people with special needs in organic horticulture. Click here for NL + NL Fair certified olive oil

The Demeter seal

Demeter guidelines are based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. The aim here is biodynamic cultivation with the promotion of biodiversity and species diversity. Only natural fertilisers made from minerals, cow dung or herbs are used. Demeter seed varieties without hybrids are also used. The biodynamic producer is mainly orientated towards the practices of our ancestors, when chemicals were not yet used in agriculture. This means that the phases of the moon and the seasons are taken into account during cultivation, care and harvesting. At the same time, the biodynamic producer relies on the power of observation of the plants and the cosmic elements. Click here for our Demeter olive oil